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Your Sacred Crew

Your sacred crew is a necessity.  We all need a group of people who will be our mentors, partners in fun and joy, and so much more.  Think about the people in your life that don't just tell you what you want to hear, they lovingly tell you 'the other stuff'.  What's the other stuff?  Essentially, the things we do that sabotage ourselves.  Our sacred crew shines a heart light on to the areas we can not or may not want to see.  It is a sacred gift best received with an open heart, with minimal to no ego involved.  It involves trust and a willingness to be vulnerable.  Use discernment when manifesting your sacred crew.  Ask yourself the following questions to help you qualify your people and use the feelings in your body to help you answer the questions.  Your body should not feel agitation, constriction, anxiety, unsafe...  Your body should feel somewhat relaxed, open to receiving the information, and grateful...

1.  What do I feel in this person's presence?  

2.  Are words coming from a place of love and caring?

3.  Do I trust this person?


The Fold in Time of 2/29/24

by T. Marolda

It is February 29, 2024 and I feel the fold in time this day brings.  I am going to step inside of this experience to capture the energy to be used by anyone at, anytime.  

Stepping into the fold...

I immediately feel a sense of rolling and tumbling about, as though I am being carried by ocean waves down deep into the ocean of Mother Earth.  There is calmness and cleansing taking place.  Picture sea glass, magically transforming to become soothing and smooth, but even better!  There is forgiveness, a beautiful and all-encompassing forgiveness.  There is no doubt, I allow it to be.  I am releasing, no attachment to emotions, thoughtforms, experiences ...  I have a sense of clarity and my mind feels empty at the same time.  

Out of the fold.  I was brought back to reality by the wonderful scent of pastries cooking in the oven.  So, I say if it suddenly smells like a bakery, you experienced the fold experience in a flash!  And, not to worry if you didn't.  :)